Last April in Delft, the Netherlands, Adam Drobniak and Artur Ochojski (both from the University of Economics in Katowice, Poland) presented activities on Just Transition in Upper Silesia and promoted the BOLSTER approach during a meeting with a sister project called DUST (Democratising jUst Sustainability Transitions). The presentations were followed by a panel debate that gathered around 100 participants online and onsite and allowed a vivid interaction on deliberating active subsidiarity in just transition policies. “The observed processes that we outline here have been identified with particular focus on institutional mapping and development of tailor-made tools and approaches toward inclusion of marginalised communities”, said Artur Ochojski. BOLSTER promotes MAF (Multi Actor Fora) toolkit supported by a capacity-building program in order to seed new opportunities in the Just Transition regions and provide feedback to policy-makers on how to leave no one behind. The legacy of those actions may become a source of good practice and it has already become a reason why both BOLSTER and DUST look forward to capitalising on their experience and scientific approaches.