Tilburg University (TiU) is a Dutch university that specializes in social and behavioural sciences. Serving and enhancing society to help citizens, that is what drives TiU.
TiU researchers have been studying problems related to marginalized groups in the context of participatory processes and multi-level governance for energy transition processes in Dutch municipalities.
TiU areas are Economics, Business and Entrepreneurship, Social and Behavioural Sciences, Law and Public Administration, the Humanities and Digital Sciences, and Theology.
Tilburg University has the Community for Climate and Energy Transition. The community connects climate and energy researchers from the social sciences, the law, the economy and the humanities to enrich both scientific research and cooperation with a social partner.
RMIT University is a global university of design, technology and enterprise. RMIT’s European hub in Barcelona, Spain, is the gateway for European research, industry, government and enterprise to innovation and talent in Australia and Asia.
RMIT-ES has done research involving energy-poor households, old people, women, and young people at risk, also in relation to energy poverty and the COVID-19 pandemic, e.g. in
RMIT-ES is engaging in this project with their Australian partner, RMIT-University which brings in a prominent expert on the topic of just urban transitions, energy justice, social implication, and vulnerability in the context of climate change.
EUKAT with its strong expertise in regional development is involved in running research for many local development strategies and urban regeneration programmes in Poland, and in facilitating these programmes. It also has vast experience of working with communities under strong demographic pressure.
Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação (SPI) is a private consulting company with a deep knowledge of the private and public sectors, as well as the processes that allow its clients to foster innovation, be competitive and generate growth, being an active centre of national and international networks connected to the SME and innovation sectors. Since its inception, SPI has become a leading promoter of linkages between private sector companies, science and technology institutions, and national and international public and private organizations. From its onset, SPI embraced the mission of managing projects that promote regional, national and international development, stimulate entrepreneurship, innovation and knowledge management and encourage internationalization and creation of strategic partnerships and business relationships.
SPI has established a unique in-house capability that combines its knowledge of innovation and science and technology with its fundamental skills in territorial planning and urban development. Since its creation, in 1997, SPI has collaborated with more than 80 districts in Portugal, including setting local multi-actor forums.
Crowdhelix (CHX) is an open innovation platform that forges links between an international network of researchers and innovators from organisations across the world, so that together they can plan and deliver pioneering collaborative projects.
Shaped by themes mirroring the current challenges of the world and Horizon Europe topics, through its HELIX platform, CHX has been linking diverse actors from all sectors of the society and ensuring transferability and sharing of knowledge, new tools, project outcomes widely, build on the project results and capitalize by making it available to wider communities
In BOLSTER, CHX will set up a bespoke technology cluster (Helix) for the project, acting as an exploitation channel, steering industry & economic sustainability paths. CHX will identify the right stakeholders and continue to manage the community beyond the end of the project – promoting the project’s outputs and impacts and enabling new forms of collaboration and open innovation across the European research area.
The University of National and World Economy (UNWE) is the oldest, most prestigious, and largest economic university in South-astern Europe. With its scientific capacity of both experienced and early-stage researchers, UNWE carries out multidisciplinary research in compliance with both EU and national research policies and priorities. Institutional research priorities are specified annually by UNWE’s Academic Board upon proposals made by the R&D Program Council. UNWE’s research activities focus on analysis, forecasting, expertise, development, implementation of innovations, technological and legal issues, and other innovative areas. The overall purpose of research is to enhance the scope of scientific knowledge and its application in education, science, and social practice. Research in UNWE’s critical areas of expertise such as Economics, Management, Social Sciences, Social Policy, Labour Economics, and Law.
UNWE is engaged with a number of projects looking into the issues of poverty and social impact that urban transformation can imply for marginalized groups.
The Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Management (UNIRI FTHM) located in Opatija is a legal entity within the University of Rijeka. UNIRI FTHM is Croatia’s only higher education institution fully oriented towards education for the managerial positions in tourism and hospitality industry and to the scientific human resources development in this field.
Education and research activities focus on contemporary issues and topics related to tourism and hospitality industry, such as Sustainable Tourism Development, Tourism Strategy Development, Destination Management, Tourism Impact, Development of Specific Forms of Tourism, including Camping, Health and Wellness Tourism and Marketing for Tourism and Hospitality.
FTHM helps to increase students’ employability, participates in creating learning resources in agri-food and food tourism, as well as joint initiatives for job creation and networking in the sector.
Universite de Liège (ULiège) via its Smart Cities Institute (SCI) puts its academic expertise at the service of the local actors in Wallonia through various applied projects (education, practical guides and publications, workshops, etc.), in order to help them in their approaches of sustainable and smart transitions.
SCI is an Academic Institute at the HEC Management School of ULiège. Through its multidisciplinary team and the support of its partners (composed of ULiège, the Walloon Region, and private companies), SCI develops internationally recognized academic expertise in sustainable and smart territorial management. Such expertise leads to both fundamental and applied research.
ASOCIATIA MAKE BETTER (MKBT) is a Romanian organization specialised in local development and urban regeneration. MKBT consists of an interdisciplinary team of experts, combining work experience in urban planning, local economic development and strategy planning, citizens and stakeholder engagement, public policy design and strategic partnership development.
MKBT has worked extensively at grass-roots level in over 30 communities around the country, and has assisted local authorities, NGOs and companies to help them understand better the communities in which they conduct their activities and to co-design strategies, programs, and services for their regeneration. They substantiate their work on a thorough understanding of local needs and specificities of the communities they work with, while acknowledging, at the same time, the global inter-connectivity of local challenges. Their proposed solutions are therefore grounded in international best practice, while at the same time capitalizing – in a sustainable and harmonious manner – on local know how and resources.
MKBT has experience of studying and working with impoverished communities and neighbourhoods facing complex housing problems – informality, degraded insalubrious housing stock, segregation, and limited access to public services. MKBT has worked with youth in civic engagement processes and supported local just transition plans in Romania
The European Citizen Action Service (ECAS) is an international, Brussels-based non-profit organisation with a pan-European membership. Its mission is to empower citizens of EU for better engagement in democratic processes in order to create a more inclusive and stronger European Union by:
- Promoting and defending citizens’ rights
- Developing and supporting mechanisms to increase citizens and citizen organisations’ democratic participation in, and engagement with, the EU.
It has an extensive experience in studying citizens’ choices and motivation for voting for populist movements in poor non-metropolitan regions in Italy, Poland, Austria and France as well as civil society reactions to populist narratives.
Culture Goes Europe – Soziokulturelle Initiative Erfurt e.V. (CGE) is a non-profit, non-governmental organization based in Erfurt, run by young professionals, who are designing, implementing and evaluating local and international youth projects. CGE has more than 10 years of experience creating educational concepts, that allow participants to develop a self-defined strategy of learning in the framework of non-formal education. CGE has been working developing teaching materials for Erasmus+ projects and Interreg Central European, as well as Foreign Ministry in implementing and evaluating pilot testing, as well as experienced in conducting research and developing teaching materials.
The range of activities of CGE include promotion of educational development and creative thinking, employability, participation and ICT mindset among youngsters, as well as among adults
CGE helps (youth) organizations to use innovative approaches and activism to mobilize broad communities. CGE helps to ensure that those movements are as inclusive and effective as possible by combating the climate emergency using their unique access to diverse young communities.
CEE Bankwatch Network (BWN) is a renown NGO that advocates that public money must not become an auxiliary for human rights violations or the marginalization of affected communities. It advocates for participation and consultation processes that are not pro-forma exercises, but a tool to ensure people’s wellbeing. In last years it has been a leading player in supporting CEE coal regions in JT planning and manages the CEE Just Transition portal.
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